Mazel Tov Shimon & Miriam Greenwald – Baby Boy
Sholom Zochar will be at 1339 Union St Apt 1R corner NY ave. Mazel Tov!!
A Tribute To The Lives of Yehuda Leib (Leibel) and Edah Bistritzky
Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Great Great Grandparents, Role Models And Our Heroes.
Sholom Zochar will be at 1339 Union St Apt 1R corner NY ave. Mazel Tov!!
Hannah Posner’s report card from Mommy HK”M when she was a teacher in the Jewish day school of Vineland NJ.
Leonard Silk – Economics columnist for the New York Times – writes in his book Economics in Plan English about Daddy A”H and the store.
The following was taken from Chabad.org – Article By Yehuda Shurpin Why Do Jews Put Pebbles on Tombstones? – Death & Mourning Question: I was visiting the gravesite of my mother, and I noticed that some tombstones had small rocks Continue reading Why Do Jews Put Pebbles on Tombstones?
The following is an article in the Jewish Floridian Newspaper from Sep 28th, 1973 about the lower east side where Daddy A”H is quoted. Click on the image to enlarge.
The following is a sicha of the Freidekier Rebbe (Tof Shin Daled – Parshas Nosso) where he mentions that the Rebbe Reshab wore His Shabbos/Yom Tov hat (shtreimel) only in Lubavitch and only on special occasions “when we need the Continue reading Rebbe’s Ksav Yad – Levi Lagovier
The 17th of Tammuz is the yartzheit of Daddy A”H grandfather who he is named after. Daddy A”H said that he may be buried is Lvov but since the Nazi’s destroyed the Jewish cemeteries there I have not been able Continue reading TIOFH – Yehuda Leib Bistritzky Yartzheit – Daddy A”H Grandfather
The 17 Tammuz is Jack (Yitzchok) Oppenheimer birthday, Aunt Miriam’s son from her first marriage to Alfred Noach Oppenheimer. They had two kids Jack and Shulie. He was born June 26, 1937 in Jerusalem, Israel and currently lives in California.
Mazel Tov Shloime & Chanie! You should have a lot of nachus. She should IY”H embody her namesake your grandmother A”H. Simchas.
Mazel Tov to Shloimie & Chanie Bistritzky (Hamburg) on the birth of a baby girl. You should have a lot of nachus!
The following are pictures of the first page and the hanocha page of the shas that Yitzchok Naftali Hirtz (Bubby HK”M grandfather) Travis paid to have publish in 1919. Thank you Chanoch Nelken for sending this in.