Antwerp 24 Steinbach Strasse – History

This is a picture of the building (the white one – taken about 2 years ago) where Omi’s parents were living in Antwerp in 1938 and where Opi sent the family from Hamburg to escape from Germany. Once Opi joined them they move to Holland for a year and from there left to the USA.

Antwerp 2

This is a copy of a British equivalent of the Red Cross war time letter from Leah (nee Krieger) Abrahamov which was Ruchma Lagovier sister living in Israel and trying to find out news about Levi & Ruchma Lagovier in 1940. As you can see the address on the bottom which is this building in Antwerp.

English Translation of the Telegram

red cross front

We are all healthy.
Please write about your health.
Where is our brother Hershel, with wife?
Your sister Lea







red cross back

Me and my husband are healthy.
Our brother is with his wife Sophie, all are healthy.
Your sister Rosa