Author Archives: SB
Daddy & The Boys
The Store @ 39 Essex St.
Daddy & Mommy Leaving 400 Crown St. for Israel
Daddy Family Picture
Daddy Davening in the back of the store
Daddy at an Early Farbrangen – Top Center
Daddy at a Farbrangen
Kos Shel Lebracha
Daddy as a young boy
Daddy, Levi A”H and Fitzy in 770
Kiddush Levana With The Rebbe
Chaim Leib Medjuck
Chanoch; Please understand time and circumstances have prevented me from expressing my deep sorrow over the sudden loss of your beloved grandfather Rabbi Leibel Bistritsky, ztzl. And then when I saw you on Shabbos, all I could do was give you Continue reading Chaim Leib Medjuck
Moshe Kirchenbaum
Hamakom yenachem etchem b’toch sha’ar aveylei v’yrushalayim. Your father was one of my heroes. He was a “warm” yid, a true Chasid. His store was truly the first Chabad house in Manhattan! May his memory serve as a blessing to Continue reading Moshe Kirchenbaum
Levana Kirschenbaum
Dearest Schneur, So sorry about your great loss. Your Father was a giant, and will be remembered by all as such. I am sure you will smile every bit as much as you will cry when you all reminisce about Continue reading Levana Kirschenbaum
Rabbi P. Meyeres – Antwerp
Rabbi P. Meyers Fax Rabbi pinchos Meyers Fax
Levi Bukiet
Fax from Levi Bukiet Levi bukiet fax
Rabbi Dov Drizin – Valley Chabad Center
Dear Shlomy, Schneur, Mendy and the entire family. “Hamakom Yenachem Eschem Bsoch Shar Avalay Tziyon VeYurshalayim”Your father is a towering figure in the memory of a young California boy on his visits to the Rebbe. May he be a guteh better!! Continue reading Rabbi Dov Drizin – Valley Chabad Center
Abraham M. Mann
Dear Devorah We were sorry to learn of the petira of your father. May Hashem comfort you and your family. Many years have passed since I last saw your father, but the image remains ever so clearly. There he is standing Continue reading Abraham M. Mann
Yigal and Efrat Brayer & Charlie and Nancy Block
Schneur, It is with much sadness that we offer our condolences with the passing of your father z’l. We just had the opportunity to see your father while we were in Israel for lag ba’omer. Your family has always been Continue reading Yigal and Efrat Brayer & Charlie and Nancy Block