Category Archives: FTP
FTP – Distinguised Jews Of America – Sam Travis
In the book Distinguished Jews of America that was published in 1917 there’s an interview/article on Zaidy Sam Travis in which the writer quotes about him: ” Mr. Travis belongs to those men who are doing things and not talking Continue reading FTP – Distinguised Jews Of America – Sam Travis
FTP – Mommy HK”M In The Store – Pictures
Click “continue reading” below for more pictures.
FTP – Sam Travis And West Side Institutional Synagouge
In 1917 Zaidy (Sam Travis) helped establish the famous West Side Institutional Synagogue on the West Side in Manhattan and is listed on the original corporate filing as one of the trustees. It’s documented that Rabbi Goldstein’s went to Tulsa Continue reading FTP – Sam Travis And West Side Institutional Synagouge
FTP – Article: What Ails American Judaism? -By Sam Travis
The following is an article from The Jewish Forum published July 1918 where Zaidy published an article titled What Ails American Judaism? For a pdf of the article please click here sam travis – what ails america.