TIOFH – Uncle Joe Travis Yartzheit
Tonight / tomorrow the 13th of Kislev is Uncle Joe’s (Mommy HK”M twin) Yartzheit. His Neshama should have an Aliya.
A Tribute To The Lives of Yehuda Leib (Leibel) and Edah Bistritzky
Parents, Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Great Great Grandparents, Role Models And Our Heroes.
Tonight / tomorrow the 13th of Kislev is Uncle Joe’s (Mommy HK”M twin) Yartzheit. His Neshama should have an Aliya.
From the Freidiker Rebbe’s Safer Hatoldos:
The following are three documents from Rabbi S. Gourary requesting the help of the US government to arrange to get the Lagovier’s out of Europe.
On 11/11/1942 Levi and Rochma Lagovier were put on a transport from Drancy France to Auschwitz. We have the document showing that they were on the transport but nothing about arriving in Auschwitz which usually meant that they died on Continue reading TIOFH – Yartzheits Of Levi And Ruchma Lagovier
Tonight/tomorrow the 27th of Cheshvon is Omi’s Yartzheit. Her Neshama should have an Aliyah!
This Shabbos the 18th of Cheshvon is Uncle Dr. Chaim Rhein’s Yartzheit. His Neshama should have an aliya!
Today, 2 Cheshvon is uncle Abie’s yartzheit.
Mazel Tov to Levi Clapman – Chomie’s grandson upon his Bar Mitzvah last night. You and Mordechai should have a lot of nachus IY”H!!
Today 6 Mar Cheshvon is the Yartzheit of Rose (nee Blickstein) Travis who was Uncle David R.Travis wife. She passed away 6 Cheshvon and was buried in Israel on Har Hazeitim on 13 Kislev.
A brief history on Tulsa in slides and pictures TIP – click the double arrow button on the bottom right to expand the screen.
From the Jewish Chronicle Newspaper dated August 15, 1919 Click here Travis Brothers Donate Oil Lands to YU 1919 for a PDF of the page in the newspaper.
Today, 26 Elul, is Mendy’s birthday. Happy Birthday!! To a 180 IY”H happy & healthy!
Engraver Alters Die of a Postage Stamp By CLYDE H. FARNSWORTH, Special to the New York Times – Published: August 16, 1987 WASHINGTON, Aug. 15— An unauthorized Star of David, invisible to the naked eye, was etched into the die of Continue reading FTP – Revel – Engraver Alters Die of a Postage Stamp
On September 9, 1985 there was an unveiling Ceremony of the Bernard Revel Commemorative U.S. postage stamp in honor of his 100th birthday and the 100th year of the school. Dov Revel was married to Aunt Chaya Sara Travis – Continue reading TIOFH – Dov (Bernard) Revel Stamp Unveiled
The following is a glimpse into the history of the Congregation B’nai Emunah Shul that the Travis family helped build and fund in Tulsa, OK. Click here Bnei Emunah 1-44 highlighted for a PDF of the first 44 pages (till about Continue reading FTP – A Glimpse Into The History Of Tulsa, OK – Cong. B’nai Emunah And The Travis Family
Mommy HK”M twin brothers birthday.