Category Archives: Hatzalah
A Fender Bender And $100
A fender bender and $100 as told by Yingy So in the beginning of the week I took a Hatzalah call a 16 year old with a ankle fracture, on the call I called his doctor and asked where he Continue reading A Fender Bender And $100
A Bottle Of Olive Oil That Lasted All These Years.
No it’s not a Chanukah story…… Rabbi Heshy Jacobs was invited to the Hatzalah Malava Malkah to speak about Daddy HK”M and he brought a gift for Yingi that he has since before 1995, a bottle of olive oil that Continue reading A Bottle Of Olive Oil That Lasted All These Years.
Letter From Mechel Handler – Hatzalah Malava Malkah
L’Kovod the Melaveh Malka Commemorating the memory of Reb Leibel Bistritsky zt”l It is a great zechus and privilege to be allowed the opportunity to recount a glimpse from the outside of our feelings for my close and very well Continue reading Letter From Mechel Handler – Hatzalah Malava Malkah
Hatzalah Of Crown Heights – Malava Malka – Video
This past Motzei Shabbos Hatzalah of Crown Heights had their annual Malava Malka and they paid tribute to Daddy HK”M with a short video courtesy of Shlomie Nelken.
An Article About Hatzalah In L’chaim News Letter By Heshey Jacobs
A Slice of Life Editor’s note: In the New York metro area, the response time it takes for emergency medical personnel to arrive after “911” is dialed has cost many lives. The volunteer ambulance corps, Hatzolah, which means “help,” was Continue reading An Article About Hatzalah In L’chaim News Letter By Heshey Jacobs
Hatzalah’s First Malava Malka
A picture of Daddy coming back from a call
A picture of Daddy coming back from a Hatzalah call in front of 770
The Rebbe & The Volunteer Ambulance Organization
Taken from A Brief History When a beloved individual in the Crown Heights Jewish community had a heart attack during a Jewish holiday in 1976, the ambulance arrived too late to save his life. The tragedy gave birth to Continue reading The Rebbe & The Volunteer Ambulance Organization