Dear Ruchama and family, Sheyichyu
The name R’Leibel Bistritzky had a nostalgic ring for as long as I can remember. It signified the great men of yesteryear, giants of character, Yirei Shamaim in the guise of regular people.
I consider myself fortunate to have met your father in the last year of his awe-inspiring life. I was paying a shiva call to my dear friend,your cousin Lisa Berkowitz.Needless to say, she was quite heartbroken at the time.
Suddenly in walked what I thought must be the Moshiach himself! Lisa stood up, and for a moment seemed to forget her pain amidst the joy of seeing this Adam Gadol coming to visit her!
In the course of the next few minutes, I too was able to witness the greatness of R’Leibel Bistritsky. In the most unassuming way, he made her feel as though he wanted to be nowhere else in the world but there with her, cracking jokes and sharing positive memories. I witnessed not only his genuine Ahavas Habrios and Simchas Hachaim; I also learned how one can truly be menachem an avel. For this zchus, I am eternally greatful.
Hamakom yenachem eschem b’soch shaar aveilei tzion V’Yerushalayim,
Raizy Katz